Friday, July 22, 2011


Christians United for Israel.

If you're a Christian, and if you believe that America and Christians should support Israel perhaps CUFI is the thing for you. There are a few things to keep in mind though:

CUFI had two days for just college students. Especially those who started 'Chapters' at their schools. (A chapter is a club at school supported and named CUFI). This is all fine and dandy, but these days were not nearly as interesting as the "real" days of the conference. However, the college conference days did help you learn how to start a Chapter at your school and how to keep it going.

John Hagee is the founding father of CUFI. And as passionate as he is there are somethings about what he says that are rather "off". For example he mentioned one night that their are two ways of living "The Torah way and the wrong way". I have a feeling Hagee has forgotten that their is a new Testament to the Bible and that the new Testament is extremely important. Because without it we wouldn't know about Jesus and we wouldn't know about being saved by his blood. As a "Christian" I find this very important. I don't know about anyone else. Also Hagee mentioned that Christians and Jews are spiritual brothers. Which they are not. Jews may be God's chosen people, however they are not saved people. If you were to ask Pastor Hagee if he thought Jews were going to heaven I would assume that his answer would be that they are. Which they are not. Without the blood of Christ and believing in it you are not saved. He also seems to believe that Christians are not blessed like Jews, and that by helping Israel and Jews around the world we, as Christians, can share a little bit in that blessing. Hagee may make over a million bucks a year, but this is simply by fame, in my opinion, and not by blessing of God for him helping Jewish people. His cause his noble, but many of his reasoning behind is inherently wrong.

Many seem to believe that only conservatives support Israel, wrong again. If you happen to go to this conference you will meet many democrats and liberals. Which is fine. Because in the back of everyone's minds they know that those who help Israel will be a blessed nation. It also appears that those who are considered the "most conservative" (the Tea Party) are some of those most against Israel. Maybe not personally against them but politically. The Tea Party wishes to cut of aid to what seems to be the entire world so the United States can get out of debt. I agree that we need to do what we can to get out of debt but cutting off aid to Israel is NOT the key. If anything that will doom America in one way or another. Try to conserve less, Tea Party, and think more.

CUFI is NOT a ministry. This is very important to remember. It is a political organization. The goal is to lobby to the government in order for them to aid Israel in whatever way they can. However we don't want to go into Israel and tell them what to do. Israel is a state and it's own nation. If we were to go in and help "too much" we would be taking away their freedom. Yet we have to remember Palestine and Iran. Palestine is a huge threat to Israel and is constantly attacking. Palestine has grown into an even bigger threat now that they are allies with the terrorist group Hamas. They are also trying to go to the UN to be granted statehood which we can not allow. Recently a resolutions were passed (H. Res. 268 and S. Res. 185) stating that if Palestine was to continue to pursue statehood and continued being allies with Hamas the US will suspend aid to them. These are only resolutions and the matter should be pushed even further. Despite our help at trying to suspend any help to Palestine Israel itself is trying even harder for peace. They desire peace so much that their last Prime Minster, Ehud Olmert, offered the Palestinians half of Israel, including very strategic land and the Eastern part of Jerusalem. In the Eastern part of Jerusalem is the Temple Mound. The Temple Mound is the HEART of Jerusalem and the HEART of the Israelis. Giving that up would be a wound, but they desire peace so much they are willing to give it away!

On the other hand Iran is a HUGE threat to Israel. They are a terrorist nation and need to be eliminated in some way. What else can be said on this subject?

As for the US the Israelis have been granted 3 billion dollars. But with budget cuts they may not get so much next year. Budget cuts in some areas seems necessary but I urge everyone to urge the government not to make budget cuts when it comes to Israel.

These are only a few highlights of what CUFI does. We support Israel, and we talk to Congressmen and Senators and who ever else has power in our Nation. We pray for Israel but we also take action of Israel. Please pray about joining this group.

Monday, April 4, 2011

This Day Must End!

Today was one of those days that was miserably long and just would not end. I even got down onto my hands and knees and begged for night to come and it was like the world stood in front of me and laughed. I've been having a pretty good month, all things considered, but it was as if life decided it was going to save all the goodies for one special day. Didn't it know that April Fools day was last FRIDAY? Monday and Friday don't even sound the same when you say them too quickly.

“Did you just say Friday?”
It doesn't really work.


It began with me waking up with a migraine I had gone to bed with last night. I walked around looking and feeling very much like a zombie as I tried to get ready without opening my eyes. As you can imagine this didn't work out so well and I ended up opening my eyes for brief moments at a time which only added to my pain levels and mixed in some nausea. It was shaping up into a great morning. And I'd only been up for 5 minutes.

I stumbled on, determined to get to school because some important things were happening in my classes. Was I going to let some little migraine stop me from going to school? I think not!

Well as I was about to head out the door so my parents could take me to the bus stop I realized my sister had my ear buds in her car. I always listen to my iPod on the ride to school, it helps pass the time more quickly. Right then and there I should have turned around and crawled back into bed. However, migraines are never accompanied by common sense.

Bus rides can be pretty entertaining, but in the mornings I ride with a bunch of solemn, cranky-pants, quiet business people so nothing at all exciting happened on the way to Denver. In fact that might have been the best part of my day as I was able to grab a quick nap before arriving at the bus terminal. Straight off the bus I headed to Starbucks. I had exactly two dollars in coins and I wasn't going to waste good energy lugging all that change around campus with me so of course I had to waste it on caffeine. Besides isn't caffeine supposed to help with headaches?

Coffee cup in hand, and the day beginning to look a little brighter, I happily looked around the Starbucks for a place to sit so I could wait for my bus in the warmth. However a new group of solemn, cranky-pants, this-time-talkative business people filled every seat in the joint and I glumly headed out the door to my bus stop. Sadly my bus stop is in the shade and the bench was wet from the snow we got yesterday so I had to stand, shivering and praying for my bus to come early. As luck would have it my bus was a whopping five minutes late.

Skipping ahead 15 minutes we come to a migraine ridden student, laying her head on her desk wishing she could sleep before class begins (and hey, what about through class? Oh that's right, big important information today.) when sploosh... no no no! This cannot be good! I hear a cheery voice say next to me, “Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to spill your coffee.” Spill? Oh no. You didn't spill my coffee. You threw my coffee. It was all over my jeans, my shoes, my bag, the floor and other peoples bags. The spiller of my drink sheepishly grinned and blinked at me with “innocent” eyes. Almost as if the spilling of my coffee was my fault. I wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. Unfortunately after about 16.8 seconds I realized she wasn't going to clean up the mess she had just made. After all, people, it was my coffee. Biting my tongue so hard I thought it would bleed I stormed out of the classroom and spent the next thirty minutes of class mopping up coffee and trying to dry my things. I was going to smell like a walking Starbucks for the rest of the day I thought to myself as I leaned over sop up coffee with the third round of paper towels. As I was thinking this I hear a voice near me say “That is so gross.” I looked up to see several pairs of eyes looking at me and they were all nodding. Seriously? As if this was my fault and as if it wasn't just coffee.


My first class of the day was done so I hurried to the next, hoping the fast I moved the faster the day end of the day would come. I was glad to see my professor already in the class, this gave me the chance to talk to her about scheduling a meeting with her. I was thrilled she could meet with me at the end of my school day. I sat down, had a terrific class and moved on to the next. My head was feeling a bit better, maybe the end of the day wouldn't look like the beginning.

My next class went as smooth as it could, besides my only friend in class deciding to ditch, and my professor hollering, but that usually happens. The meeting with my second professor was only a few doors down the hall, so I hurried there. Not because I was anxious to have the meeting over with, but because it was just oh-so-convenient. After waiting for a few minutes our meeting began, but we decided we couldn't finish the meeting today so we scheduled for the rest of the meeting on Wednesday and went our different ways. Because we were together for such a short amount of time I had to call home and tell them to expect me at my bus stop sooner than possible. But I wasn't sure what time that would be so I told my brother I would call him again to let him know when exactly I would be at my bus stop.

So, you think my day was beginning to look up? Well start looking back down.

I got on my first bus and headed to my first stop. After almost dying when the driver decided to slam on the brakes and fling all the passengers into new medical conditions I alighted the bus glad to be off. My second bus immediately showed up and I hurried aboard. I now knew when I was going to be home and started to search my bag for my cellular phone. In dismay I flung everything out of my book bagOne hoping it had just slid to the bottom and was hiding under all my things. In dismay I stood and searched all my pockets and, just for good measure, searched my bag again. Never has anyone ever been so sad looking as they placed everything back into a book bag.

I was at the very back of the bus at this point, and as some of you may know at the back of the bus the seats face each other. Across from me was a young man who had been watching me with great interest search for my phone. “Looking for something?”

Distract, not thinking clearly, I absentmindedly answered, “My phone.”

“Oh do you need to call it so you can find it?”

Ding ding ding!

“Oh... um. No... uh thanks. It's... uh... on silent.”

One might assume I was trying to think of something fast so he wouldn't bother me any longer, but it really was on silent. I was just shocked at his smooth way of trying to get my number. Too bad, pal! I may have a migraine, and this may have been a very long day, but I am still smart.

I sat back in my seat and sighed. Nothing to do now but finish the ride. My stop wasn't too far from my Grandma's house and I would just walk there so I could phone my family to have them come pick me up. This thought running through my determined little mind I heard one of the regular bus-riders in front talking very loud. He's handicapped and doesn't realize when loud is too loud and when some subjects shouldn't be talked about. Today's topic was on suicide.

I hunkered down in my seat and tried to ignore his conversation and maybe get some sleep. I successfully dozed off for a few minutes, after Mr. Chatty had gotten off the bus, in fact almost everyone was off the bus at that point. I was peacefully about to fall into a sleep when I noticed that the bus had been at this one particular stop for a long time. Too long. I sat up and noticed I was all alone on the bus, with it's motor running. Where was the bus driver? I looked out the window behind me and saw her hurrying into a fast food restaurant. “Okay,” I thought. “Maybe she's just using the WC.”

And yes it did cross my mind that I was in a running bus and wouldn't it be fun to take it for a joy ride? But the thought was out of my mind almost the moment it entered my mind.

After about three minutes, however, I was beginning to worry about what was going on. Why was on on here alone? Why wasn't my driver coming back? I couldn't believe it. I had actually been forgotten. My shock doubled when I saw the bus driver walk out of the restaurant carrying a sack for food and a drink. She hadn't just had an emergency run to the WC, she had missed seeing me on the bus and had gone in for food! I sat up as straight as I could so she would see me when she got on the bus. But I didn't say anything to her, and she didn't say anything to me. I can only imagine what was going on through her mind, and the fear she must have been experiencing. “What if she calls RTD and tells them I pulled over to get food while she was on bored. Will I get fired?” At least those would have been my thoughts.

I got off the bus and headed on my way. I was half way to my Grandma's when it occurred to me she may not be home, and I had no way of getting into her house. The very thought almost jolted me into sitting down, right on the sidewalk, and start to weep this miserable day away.

Good news though, she was home, my Mom came and got me and my day got better. This was after I began to see the humor in what happened to me. Don't worry, if you laughed at this post you weren't the only one. I was laughing at myself as I was writing it. One good thing came out of today and that was the whole day!

Till next time.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Would You Please Take that Thing Out of Your Lip?!

On a large campus a typical student either walks with friends to their next class and ignores the rest of the world OR jam their hands into their pockets, look down at the sidewalk and get to their next class as fast as they can while also ignoring the rest of the world. However I find it far more pleasurable to observe that which is going on around me. Especially since some truly absurd things occur.

So I didn't realize that this could happen, but apparently it can since I saw it... as I was going to my bus stop from my last class of the day I saw a couple kissing. They went to separate their mouths and suddenly jerked back together. Oh hilarious day! Their lip rings were stuck together. They tried to act calm as they tried to unhook themselves. Would it be inappropriate to stop and stare or should I continue moving forward and watch them out of the corner of me eye? I stopped, pretended to be looking through my iPod trying to find a specific song as I observed them under my eyelashes. The two struggled for quite some time but finally came free of each other. Maybe this experience will teach them how incredibly dumb those things really are.

Probably not.

Insanity Has Struck

I used to have a Riding the Bus Blog but for some odd reason it wouldn't let me post anymore, so I had to move on and come up with something else. I decided that so many random and hilarious things happen to me that it was absurd to have a blog about funny things that only happen on the bus. So here we go. This is my life in words and in stories. It'll probably fail, but I have to give it a go!
