Friday, July 22, 2011


Christians United for Israel.

If you're a Christian, and if you believe that America and Christians should support Israel perhaps CUFI is the thing for you. There are a few things to keep in mind though:

CUFI had two days for just college students. Especially those who started 'Chapters' at their schools. (A chapter is a club at school supported and named CUFI). This is all fine and dandy, but these days were not nearly as interesting as the "real" days of the conference. However, the college conference days did help you learn how to start a Chapter at your school and how to keep it going.

John Hagee is the founding father of CUFI. And as passionate as he is there are somethings about what he says that are rather "off". For example he mentioned one night that their are two ways of living "The Torah way and the wrong way". I have a feeling Hagee has forgotten that their is a new Testament to the Bible and that the new Testament is extremely important. Because without it we wouldn't know about Jesus and we wouldn't know about being saved by his blood. As a "Christian" I find this very important. I don't know about anyone else. Also Hagee mentioned that Christians and Jews are spiritual brothers. Which they are not. Jews may be God's chosen people, however they are not saved people. If you were to ask Pastor Hagee if he thought Jews were going to heaven I would assume that his answer would be that they are. Which they are not. Without the blood of Christ and believing in it you are not saved. He also seems to believe that Christians are not blessed like Jews, and that by helping Israel and Jews around the world we, as Christians, can share a little bit in that blessing. Hagee may make over a million bucks a year, but this is simply by fame, in my opinion, and not by blessing of God for him helping Jewish people. His cause his noble, but many of his reasoning behind is inherently wrong.

Many seem to believe that only conservatives support Israel, wrong again. If you happen to go to this conference you will meet many democrats and liberals. Which is fine. Because in the back of everyone's minds they know that those who help Israel will be a blessed nation. It also appears that those who are considered the "most conservative" (the Tea Party) are some of those most against Israel. Maybe not personally against them but politically. The Tea Party wishes to cut of aid to what seems to be the entire world so the United States can get out of debt. I agree that we need to do what we can to get out of debt but cutting off aid to Israel is NOT the key. If anything that will doom America in one way or another. Try to conserve less, Tea Party, and think more.

CUFI is NOT a ministry. This is very important to remember. It is a political organization. The goal is to lobby to the government in order for them to aid Israel in whatever way they can. However we don't want to go into Israel and tell them what to do. Israel is a state and it's own nation. If we were to go in and help "too much" we would be taking away their freedom. Yet we have to remember Palestine and Iran. Palestine is a huge threat to Israel and is constantly attacking. Palestine has grown into an even bigger threat now that they are allies with the terrorist group Hamas. They are also trying to go to the UN to be granted statehood which we can not allow. Recently a resolutions were passed (H. Res. 268 and S. Res. 185) stating that if Palestine was to continue to pursue statehood and continued being allies with Hamas the US will suspend aid to them. These are only resolutions and the matter should be pushed even further. Despite our help at trying to suspend any help to Palestine Israel itself is trying even harder for peace. They desire peace so much that their last Prime Minster, Ehud Olmert, offered the Palestinians half of Israel, including very strategic land and the Eastern part of Jerusalem. In the Eastern part of Jerusalem is the Temple Mound. The Temple Mound is the HEART of Jerusalem and the HEART of the Israelis. Giving that up would be a wound, but they desire peace so much they are willing to give it away!

On the other hand Iran is a HUGE threat to Israel. They are a terrorist nation and need to be eliminated in some way. What else can be said on this subject?

As for the US the Israelis have been granted 3 billion dollars. But with budget cuts they may not get so much next year. Budget cuts in some areas seems necessary but I urge everyone to urge the government not to make budget cuts when it comes to Israel.

These are only a few highlights of what CUFI does. We support Israel, and we talk to Congressmen and Senators and who ever else has power in our Nation. We pray for Israel but we also take action of Israel. Please pray about joining this group.